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[ShopeeFood Merchant] How to manage your Menu Dishes via the Partner app?

You may add, edit or delete your dishes via the Partner app to actively ensure that your ShopeeFood menu is up to date!

How to add a new dish? Step 1: In the 'Menu' section of the Partner app, tap '+Add'.

Step 2: Select 'Add Dish'.

Step 3: Provide the relevant information for your dish which includes Name, Price, Category, and Description. You may also toggle other settings such as Display Status, Stock Availability, and Time for Sale. Upon completion, tap on 'Save'.

⚠️ Note: Learn more on how to upload an image for your dish and how to manage your dish's visibility

💡 Tips: To make your dish visible on your page, please make sure the:-

  1. Display Status is 'Show'
  2. Stock Availability is 'Available'
  3. Time for Sale is 'All the day'

How to edit a dish?

Step 1: In the Partner app, go to the dish you wish to edit in the 'Menu' tab.

Step 2: Change the details of your dish accordingly which includes Name, Price, Category, and Description. You may also toggle other settings such as Display Status, Stock Availability, and Time for Sale. Upon completion, tap on 'Save'.

⚠️ Note: Learn more on how to upload an image for your dish and how to manage your dish's visibility

💡 Tip: To make your dish visible on your page, please make sure the:-

  1. Display Status is 'Show'
  2. Stock Availability is 'Available'
  3. Time for Sale is 'All the day'

How to delete a dish?

Step 1: In the Partner app, go to the dish you wish to delete in the 'Menu' tab.

 Step 2: If you wish to remove the dish from your menu, go to the bottom of the page and tap on 'Delete Dish'.

If you're unable to add/edit/delete your dish via the Partner app, learn how to submit a manual menu/content change request instead.


Once you've successfully created or edited your dish, it'll be reviewed by a member of the ShopeeFood team accordingly. It'll take up to 1 business day for your dish to be reviewed.


Please remember to always follow our menu content policy and guidelines which can be viewed on the Help Center. Failure to do so will result in the rejection of your dish.

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