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Reward Programmes

[Brand Memberships] How do I earn Brand Membership points?

Earning Points

You can earn points for a Brand Membership programme mainly by purchasing from the Shopee Mall shop offering the programme. Some Shopee Mall Brand Membership programmes also offer bonus points for new signups.


Points are automatically added to your Brand Membership account when you complete an order from the Mall shop successfully. Orders that are cancelled, returned, or refunded are not valid for points accumulation.


⚠️ Note

  1. Points earned per Malaysian Ringgit (RM) spent vary across different Mall shops.
  2. Points are valid for 12 months from the date they were earned on.


You can view your current Brand Membership tier and the benefits by going to the Membership Tab on a Shopee Mall shop page > View Tier Benefits

Swipe the tier card to view the benefits of subsequent tiers.

DR0021-Item-2-Viewing benefits for other Brand Membership tiers


  1. To view the terms and conditions after signing up, select Membership Terms on the Tier Benefits page.


DR0021-Item-4-Viewing terms and conditions for Brand Membership

  1. Points accumulated under a Brand Membership programme are non-transferable. Only the member who has earned the points can use it within the Mall shop where the points were earned.
  2. If you choose to quit the Brand Membership programme, all accumulated points, spending and earned tier will be forfeited. Any subsequent signups to the same Mall shop will be considered new applications, with an accumulation of points and spending starting anew. However, bonus points for new members will not be rewarded to repeat signups.
  3. Any fraudulent behavior observed will be strictly dealt with, and may result in termination from the Brand Membership programme, or of the user's Shopee account.
  4. Points earned are solely for redemption of the listed rewards and are non-exchangeable for cash.



If you observe unexpected changes in your Brand Membership points, it may be due to adjustments from Shopee to correct any calculation errors. For more information, you can contact us via the channels listed 

at the bottom of the page.

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