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[My Account] Why is my account being limited?

  English | Malaysia

Account limitations can occur if your account engages in suspicious activities that breach our Terms of Service. Such activities include generating fake orders, exploiting vouchers/promotions, participating in scams, and more.


If your account faces limitations, you might encounter a pop-up message during login or checkout that notifies you of this. If your account has been restricted, you will be unable to post content on Shopee Video.


To learn how to reinstate your account, please look at our Help Center article on why you are unable to log in to your Shopee account. Kindly prepare the following documents to help our agents better assist you with this issue.


For Buyers:


  1. Valid photo ID (e.g. passport, NRIC, student ID, work ID)
  2. Proof of purchase (e.g. product images, shipping order, chat screenshots)
  3. SPayLater bill payment receipts (if the limitation is due to SPayLater bills)


For Sellers:


  1. Valid photo ID (e.g. passport, NRIC, student ID, work ID)
  2. Business license / SSM registration copy (if applicable)
  3. Shipping/delivery/consignment note proof
  4. Proof of product ownership (e.g. supplier invoices, receipts)
  5. Detailed business model description (e.g. sales platforms, team size, business methods)

After submitting the appeal, expect results via email within 3-5 business days.

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