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[Online Safety] How to avoid online shopping scams when you’re buying things online?

English | Bahasa Malaysia

⚠️ Important Reminder
When reporting a scam, please provide:

  • Your phone number
  • Date and time of the incident

Providing this information helps us process your report more efficiently.

Online shopping scams have become a lot more rampant especially now as we are spending more time online be it to shop, sell, or browse.

You may likely encounter or hear about a scam every so often.


Here are 7 steps you can take to avoid online shopping scams:

Never share your details

Avoid sharing your details such as address, phone number, identification card number, online banking login details, or credit/debit card OTP. Keep this information strictly to yourself only.


Always be aware

Question deals and promotions that sound too good to be true. A contest that offers an insane amount of rewards or an attractive job opportunity/income that requires you to make upfront payments first is a scam.


Verify information

Do not accept or respond instantly, no matter how urgent. Instead, verify the situation through reliable sources and official platforms.


Remain calm

If you receive a call, a message, or an email from an authority that demands you to take action instantly or you’ll get into trouble, stay calm and immediately call the authorities through official contacts to verify the situation with them.


Pay attention to the sender’s information

Do not respond to any calls or messages from a private number or a foreign number and emails that end with a random domain.


Strengthen your online accounts

Setting a strong password combination, updating your software to the latest version, or enabling two-step verification are some of the effective ways to prevent account hacking.


Find out more about how to make your Shopee account safe.


Always refer to an official source

There are many ways in which a scammer may fool you, this may include impersonating someone they are not. When in doubt, always refer to the verified and official channels such as Shopee’s official website or official social media accounts. 


What should you do if you encounter an online shopping scam? 

If you've encountered suspicious online activities, Shopee strongly encourages you to report it to the nearest police station or via:

  • SEMAKMULE - a PDRM platform to check on bank accounts and telephone numbers involved with commercial crimes: https://semakmule.rmp.gov.my/
  • CCID Infoline (8:00 AM to 12:00 AM) - a PDRM WhatsApp channel to check on the status of police reports and submit information on commercial crime cases: 013-211 1222
  • CCID Scam Response Centre (8:00 AM to 8:00 PM) - a PDRM information hotline to submit information or inquire information on online scams: 03-26101559 / 03-26101599

Online shopping scams can be conducted with innovative methods and they are constantly evolving. It’s better to be aware of the common types of Shopee scams that have happened or are happening in Malaysia so you’ll learn the patterns and be able to identify an online scam next time. Get more online shopping safety tips so you can always shop safely!
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