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Shopee Community Guidelines

Shopee Community Guidelines


These Shopee Community Guidelines (“Community Guidelines”) provide what you cannot do on Shopee and apply to everyone and to all types of content on Shopee, including videos, comments, and links.


These Community Guidelines are a key part of and are supplement to our Shopee Terms of Service and other relevant Shopee Policies. Any capitalized terms used in these Community Guidelines that are not defined herein shall have the same definition as those given in the Shopee Terms of Service.


The lists of what you cannot do in these Community Guidelines are not exhaustive and are regularly updated to address emerging risks and potential harms that may occur from new behaviors. Please keep yourself appraised of any updates to these Community Guidelines. In addition to that, Shopee shall have the right to take all necessary actions in furtherance of these Community Guidelines, in its absolute discretion, and without any liability to you. Any determination made by Shopee in relation to any content on Shopee shall be final and conclusive. Do not post content if you think it might violate these Community Guidelines.


If you find content that violates these Community Guidelines, please report it to us. If you believe anyone is in immediate danger, you should reach out to the local law enforcement agency to report the situation immediately.


Your safety is our highest priority. Please take the time to carefully read these Community Guidelines. It is important you understand these Community Guidelines, and the role they play in our shared responsibility to keep Shopee safe.


1.    Violence and Extremism


1.1.    Violent Action

We take a firm position to prohibit violence on or off Shopee. We do not allow anyone to use the Site to threaten or incite any form of violence or promote harmful individuals or organizations. To effectively protect our community, we may consider information available on the Site, other platforms and websites, and offline to identify individuals and organizations involved in violent and/or extremist acts on Shopee.


We consider incitement to violence the act of advocating, directing, or encouraging others to commit violence. We do not allow threats of violence or incitement to violence on Shopee.


Do not display, upload, or share:

•      Any content aimed to cause physical injury to a person or group

•      Any content that encourages others to commit or support physical violence

•   Any content containing conditional or aspirational statements that encourage others to do violence

•      Any content containing calls to bring a weapon to a location with a view to intimidate or threaten a person or group with violence

•    Any content containing instructions on how to create or use a weapon with the intent to incite violence


1.2.    Endangerment of Minors or Vulnerable Persons

Content that put minors or vulnerable persons at risk for physical, sexual, psychological, or emotional harm include physical abuse, neglect, harm, or psychological belittling. We will remove such content from Shopee.


Do not display, upload, or share:

•   Any content depicting or promoting physical, sexual, or psychological abuse or neglect of a minor or vulnerable person

•    Any content intended to shame, deceive, insult, bully, or harass a minor or vulnerable person

•  Any content showing minors or vulnerable persons participating in dangerous activities or encouraging minors or vulnerable persons to do dangerous activities, such as dangerous stunts, dares, challenges, or pranks


1.3.    Violent or Graphic Images

We do not allow content that is gory, sadistic, frightening, or anything that promotes or normalizes violence or suffering or is intended to shock or disgust Users.


Do not display, upload, or share:

•    Violent or graphic content:

-  Any content showing aftermath of natural disasters, war, terrorist attack, road accidents, or protests or riots, physical attacks, robberies, torture, suicide, medical procedures, or other such scenarios with the intent to shock or disgust Users

-   Any content showing bodily fluids, such as blood or vomit, with the intent to shock or disgust Users

-  Any content showing corpses or human body with massive injuries, such as severed or mutilated limbs

•    Animal abuse content:

-  Any content showing mistreatment of an animal, putting an animal in poor conditions, or coercing animals to fight

-   Any content that promotes neglect, mistreatment, or harm toward animals

-   Any content that is graphic featuring animals and intends to shock or disgust Users


1.4.    Extremist, Criminal, or Terrorist Individuals/Organizations

We do not allow extremist, criminal, or terrorist individuals or organizations on Shopee. Such individuals and organizations include killers, rapists, mass murderers, serial killers, rapists, Hate Groups, Criminal Organizations, Terrorists/Terrorist Organizations, and armed groups (whether stateless or not) are not allowed to use Shopee for any purpose. For the avoidance of doubt:


Criminal Organizations” means a transnational, national, or local group involved in serious crimes, including brutal crimes (e.g., murder, rape, robbery, assault, etc.), trafficking (e.g., humans, organs, drugs, weapons, etc.), kidnapping, financial crimes (e.g., extortion, money laundering, embezzlement, etc.).


Hate Groups” means individuals and organizations that attack others based on characteristics, such as race, ethnicity, country of origin, religion, caste, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, or immigration status. We consider attacks to include acts that incite violence or hatred, dehumanize individuals or groups, or promotes adherence to hateful ideologies.


Terrorists/Terrorist Organizations” means stateless actors who clearly threaten violence and/or committing serious crimes (such as crimes against humanity) against civilians to achieve political, religious, ethnic, or ideological agenda.


Any content intended to praise, promote, or aid extremist, criminal, or terrorist individuals or organizations are also not allowed on Shopee.


Do not display, upload, or share:

•   Any content created by extremist, criminal, or terrorist individuals or organizations

•   Any content praising or memorializing an extremist, criminal, or terrorist individual or organization or praising or justifying the acts committed by such extremist, criminal, or terrorist individual or organization

•   Any content that encourages participation in, or intends to recruit new members to an extremist, criminal, or terrorist organization

•   Any content containing names, symbols, logos, flags, slogans, uniforms, portraits, song, music, lyrics and other objects of or associated with an extremist, criminal, or terrorist organization


2.    Sexual Content and Nudity


2.1.    Sexual Content and Nudity

Sexual content and nudity include pornography, fetishes, and content that exposes breasts, genitals, anus, or buttocks or behavior that mimics, implies, or displays sexual acts. We do not allow the depiction of sexual content and nudity, whether real-world, dramatized, illustrated, or animated content. We prohibit content that is offensive, obscene, or culturally inappropriate or age-restrict content not suitable for Users of all ages.


Do not display, upload, or share:

•    Any content showing nudity (whether full or partial) or depicting clothed or unclothed genitals, breasts, or buttocks

•    Any content that explicitly or implicitly portrays sexual acts, including masturbation, sex (with or without penetration), and erotic kissing

•    Any content showing non-consensual sex acts or promotion of non-consensual sex acts, such as sexual assault, bestiality, incest, groping, kissing, public masturbation, predatory exhibitionism, or unwanted sexualization, such as voyeurism

•    Any content depicting sexual arousal or sexual stimulation, such as sexual video backgrounds or obscene sounds

•   Any content depicting violent, graphic, or humiliating fetishes, including sexual interest in other organs besides the sexual organs

•  Any content that includes sexual language or sounds that explicitly communicate sexual gratification

•    Any content using sex toys, such as dildos, vibrators, butt plugs, and vagina impersonator tubes for men’s use in masturbation

•   Any content depicting animated pornography or pornography generated by means of artificial intelligence tools that includes human or non-human sexual acts

•    Any content explicitly or implicitly showing illegal sex advertisements including sex work


2.2.    Sexual Content and Nudity Involving Minors

Sexually explicit content featuring minors and content that sexually exploits minors are not allowed on Shopee. Child Sexual Abuse or Exploitation Materials (CSAEM) is defined as any representation, whether offline, or by, through or with the use of information and communications technology, by means of visual, video, audio, written, or any combination thereof, by electronic, mechanical, digital, optical, magnetic or any other means, of a minor engaged or involved in real or simulated sexual activities, or depicting acts of sexual abuse or exploitation of a minor as a sexual object. It shall also include materials that focus on the genitalia or other private body parts of a minor. You shall not display, upload, publish, or share on Shopee any CSAEM, including sexual content or nudity (as described in 2.1) involving minors. In addition, you shall not display, upload, publish, or share:

•   Any content depicting a minor undressing or a minor dressed in skimpy clothing that could draw undesired attention to the minor

•   Any comments, emoji, text, or other graphics that are sexualized and used to convey, expressly or impliedly, nudity or sexual acts involving minors

•   Any content sharing, re-sharing, offering to trade or sell, or direct Users to obtain or distribute CSAEM on Shopee or on Third-Party Platforms

•  Any content that depicts, asks, echoes, or encourages child abuse, including nudity, desexualized minors, or sexual activity with minors

•   Any content that depicts, promotes, or normalizes pedophilia or sexual abuse of minors

•   Any content that victimizes or exploits minors as victims of abuse by distribution or republishing of content showing such minor being abused or simulation or reenactment of such abuse


2.3.    Sexual Exploitation of Minors

Sexual exploitation of minors is the abuse of a position of power or trust for sexual purposes, including obtaining financial, social, sexual, or political advantage from the exploitation of minors. Shopee will take action on any content and Accounts that involve sexual exploitation of minors.


Do not display, upload, or share:

•  Any content that depicts, solicits, promotes, considers normal, or echoes the exploitation or sexual abuse of minors, including rape and sexual harassment

•  Any content that depicts, solicits, promotes, or normalizes distribution of intimate photos with minors, including photos of sexual intercourse with minors

•   Any content that depicts, promotes, normalizes, or echoes sexual violence against minors

•   Any content that depicts, promotes solicitation or sexual advances from minors, including offering or requesting a sexual partner, nude photos, sex services, or sex-camming


2.4.    Inappropriate Grooming Behavior

Inappropriate grooming behavior occurs when an adult establishes an emotional connection with a minor in order to gain their trust for the purpose of future or current sexual contact, sexual harassment, sex trafficking, or other sexual exploitation. This behavior includes flattery, soliciting contact on and off the platform, soliciting personal information, soliciting child sexual abuse material, making sexual advances or comments, and giving gifts, favor, benefit, or other consideration in exchange for the opportunity to perform abusive or exploitative act.


Do not display, upload, or share:

•    Any content indicating predatory behavior involving communications with or about minors

•  Any content offering money, praise, likes, or any other incentive to a minor to participate in physical contact with someone else

•   Any content requesting for personal details of minor, including nude or sexual photos featuring the minor

•  Any content exposing minors to mature themes or featuring minors involved in provocative, sexual, or sexually suggestive activities, challenges and dares


3.    Dangerous Behavior


3.1.    Suicide, Self-Harm and Eating Disorders

We remove content featuring suicide, suicidal tendencies, or content that encourages participation in other self-injurious behavior and eating disorders intended to shock or disgust Users or poses a considerable risk to Users especially minors and Users who may be sensitive to such type of content. Content that depicts suicide or shows a person engaging in, or intending to engage in, behavior that is likely to lead to death or injury will be removed from Shopee. We prohibit any form of content that promotes or normalizes suicide, self-harm, and eating disorders, provides instructions for suicide, self-harm, and eating disorders, or depicts suicide, self-harm, or eating disorders as heroic or honorable.


Do not display, upload, or share:

•    Any content that provides instructions on how to die by suicide, engage in self-harm, or engage in eating disorders

•    Any content that promotes, normalizes, or glorifies suicide, self-harm, or eating disorders

•    Any content showing participation or instructions for suicide and self-harm challenges (e.g., Blue Whale Challenge, Momo, Fire Fairy, Doki Doki)

•    Any content that features weight-based bullying in the context of eating disorders


3.2.    Harmful or Dangerous Acts

Harmful or dangerous acts include actions that are carried out in an unprofessional or unskilled manner and do not comply with safety safeguards that could cause serious injury or death to Users especially minors and Users who may be sensitive to such type of content. We do not allow content that depicts, promotes, normalizes, or otherwise promotes such behavior, including amateur displays of bravery or dangerous challenges.


Do not display, upload, or share:

•   Any content that shows misuse of tools, vehicles, or weapons and other dangerous objects

•   Any content that shows or promotes ingesting substances that are not intended to be consumed or that can cause injury or poisoning

•  Any content showing participation or instructions for extremely dangerous challenges (e.g., No Lackin’ challenge), dangerous or threatening pranks (e.g., tricking others into believing they are in real danger even if no physical harm comes to them) pranks causing emotional distress to minors (e.g., fake death or suicide, pretend abandonment)

•  Any content showing minors involved in dangerous activities (e.g., physical stunts, using weapons or explosives, using a regulated substance like alcohol or nicotine including use of vapes or e-cigarettes)


4.    Illegal/Regulated Goods and Activities

We work to ensure that Shopee does not allow activities that violate laws and regulations. We do not allow on Shopee content displaying or promoting goods that are considered illegal, regulated, and/or violate our Prohibited and Restricted Items Policy and content displaying or promoting illegal activities. Content involving illegal or regulated goods or activities may be removed from Shopee even if the good or activity is considered legal or not regulated in the jurisdiction in which it was displayed, uploaded, published, or shared.


4.1.    Illegal Activities

Illegal activities cover all acts punishable by applicable law, including theft, assault, human exploitation, and counterfeiting of goods, and other criminal behavior.


Do not display, upload, or share:

•    Any content showing, promoting, or providing instructions on how to carry out illegal activities (e.g., theft, robbery, counterfeiting of goods, human trafficking, sex trafficking or prostitution, etc.)

•    Any content showing, promoting or offering to buy, sell, or trade goods from poaching or illegal trade of animals or wildlife products

•    Any content showing, promoting, or offering to buy, sell, or trade, goods that are counterfeit or unlawfully obtained, including bank account passwords, stolen credit cards, or other financial information


4.2.    Firearms and Other Weapons

We do not allow on Shopee the depiction, promotion, or trade in firearms, ammunition, firearm accessories, and other weapons, including pepper spray, replicas, and stun guns. Content showing firearms, ammunition, firearm accessories, and other weapons as part of a museum collection, carried by police officers or other authorized personnel, or used in a safe and controlled environment such as a shooting range may be permitted.


Do not display, upload, or share:

•    Any content displaying firearms, firearm accessories, ammunition, or other weapons

•   Any content offering to buy, sell, or trade firearms, firearm accessories, ammunition, or other weapons

•    Any content providing instructions on how to manufacture, handle, or transport firearms, firearm accessories, ammunition, or other weapons


4.3.    Drugs and Regulated Substances

We do not allow on Shopee the depiction, promotion, or trading of certain drugs and other regulated substances, such as tobacco and tobacco-related products, including electric cigarettes/e-juices/vapes that contain nicotine, and alcohol products.


Do not display, upload, or share:

•    Any content offering to buy, sell, or trade, or providing instructions on how to use prohibited drugs, prescription-only medicines, pharmacy-only medicines, drug-like substances and associated paraphernalia; tobacco and tobacco-related products, including electric cigarettes/e-juices/vapes that contain nicotine; and alcohol products

•    Any content featuring reviews of drugs prohibited drugs, prescription-only medicines, pharmacy-only medicines, drug-like substances and associated paraphernalia; tobacco and tobacco-related products, including electric cigarettes/e-juices/vapes that contain nicotine; and alcohol products

•  Any content that provides information on how to purchase prohibited substances or other regulated substances

•    Any content displaying or promoting the misuse of legal or unregulated substances, or providing instructions on how to make homemade drug-like substances in an attempt to become intoxicated or high

•   Any content containing text or mentions the name of any prohibited drug (e.g., marijuana, ecstasy, MDMA, cocaine, etc.)


4.4.    Gambling

We do not allow content that promotes gambling, or which could be deemed to advertise casinos, sports betting, or other gambling activities.


Do not display, upload, or share:

•  Any content promoting casinos, sports betting, poker, lotteries, software and applications associated with gambling, or other gambling services

•    Any content with matters relating to gambling (e.g., books, websites, online upload)


4.5.    Scams and Fraud

We do not allow anyone to exploit Shopee to take advantage of User's trust. We will remove content involving scams and other deceptive practices.


Do not display, upload, or share:

● Any content involving phishing

●Any content offering or promoting cash gifts, Ponzi schemes, multi-level marketing or pyramid schemes, or other types of fraudulent investment schemes


5.    Harassment and Cyberbullying

We believe in and are committed to building an inclusive community where each individual can express himself/herself without fear of harassment and cyberbullying. We do not tolerate when members of our community are humiliated, bullied or harassed. Harassment and cyberbullying can cause severe psychological distress and will be removed from Shopee.


5.1.    Cyberbullying

We do not allow expressions of violence, including threats or disparaging statements intended to ridicule, insult, humiliate, intimidate, or hurt. Expressions of matters of public interest, critical comments on public figures may be permitted; however, serious aggressive behavior against public figures is prohibited.


Do not display, upload, or share:

• Any content that insults or belittles someone based on attributes such as intelligence, appearance, personality, style, or hygiene or based on his/her age, race, ethnicity, gender, or sexual orientation

• Any content that advocates coordinated cyberbullying of an identifiable individual on or off Shopee

•  Any content reveling in or mocking the death or serious injury of an identifiable individual

• Any content that denies or minimized someone’s role as a victim of a well-documented, major violent event

•  Any content that uses features of Shopee to denigrate others

• Any content depicting intentional harm or intimidation, such as stalking in cyberspace or trolling (i.e., displaying, uploading, or sharing content to deliberately provoke a negative response)

•  Any content wishing death, serious illness or injury, or grave tragedy to befall someone, including a public figure


5.2.    Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment involves unwanted or inappropriate sexual behavior directed at another person. We do not allow content, including comments, that sexually harass others, regardless of a Shopee User’s intentions, as doing so can cause severe distress to the person being targeted.


Do not display, upload, or share:

•    Any content that contemplates, threatens, or supports sexual assault

•    Any content that describes someone in a lewd, degrading, and sexually explicit manner

•  Any content that stimulates sexual activity with other users verbally, text (including emoji), or through the use of features in Shopee 

•   Any content that underestimates the sexual activities of others

•  Any content that changes, transforms, or draws others to show or imply sexual suggestion or engaging in sexual activity

•  Any content that threatens to disclose the personal sex life of a person, including a threat to publish sexual history or names of previous sexual partners of a person

•  Any content that exposes, or threatens to expose, a person's sexual orientation without that person’s consent


5.3.    Hacking, Doxxing, and Cyber Extortion Threats

Threatening to hack or collect information with the intent to harass or blackmail others can cause severe mental distress and other harm. We define doxxing as the act of collecting and publishing non-public personally identifiable information (PII) for malicious purposes. We consider this online behavior a form of abuse and do not allow it on Shopee.


Do not display, upload, or share:

•    Any content that shares, threatens to share, or encourages others to share non-public personally identifiable information (PII), including home address, personal email address, personal phone numbers, bank accounts, social security number, or passport number

•    Any content involving threats of blackmail or hacking someone's account

•    Any content that contains stalking of an identifiable individual


6.    Offensive and Seditious Content

Shopee does not tolerate discriminatory or offensive content. We do not allow content that contains hate speech or encourages violent, extremist, morally reprehensible or hateful behavior against individuals or groups, which include the following:

•    Race

•    Ethnicity

•    Nationality

•    Religion

•    Caste

•    Sexual Orientation

•    Sex/Gender

•    Age

•    Disease

•    Disability

•    Immigration Status


Do not display, upload, or share:

•    Any content that shows or promotes hatred against individuals or groups or ill-will and hostility between these groups, including:

-    claiming that they are inferior physically, mentally, or morally

-    inviting to commit or condone violence against them

-    using racial, religious, or other slurs and stereotypes

-    claiming that they are criminals, evil, or corrupt

-    referring to them as subhuman, comparing them to animals, pests, disease, insects, inanimate objects, or other non-human entities

-    justifying exclusion, segregation, or discrimination against them

•    Any content depicting the harm posed to a person or group

•   Any content containing words which are considered obscene, lacking refinement of taste, foul, offensive, coarse or profane, including crude references to sexual intercourse or sexual organs.

•   Any content which appears to be indecent, morally improper or against social norms and/or societal standards of acceptable behaviour.


Shopee is against any content that seeks to incite hatred or contempt against the Yang di-Pertuan Agong, State Rulers or any Yang di-Pertua Negeri (each a “Ruler”) or the Government of Malaysia, including the state government(s), all Federal and State level government ministries, bodies, and agencies (“Government”).


Do not display, upload, or share:

•    Any content that shows or promotes hatred, contempt or to excite disaffection with any Ruler or the Government

•    Any content that insults any Ruler or the Government

•  Any content that questions the right, status, position, privilege and sovereignty of matters established or protected by the Federal Constitution of Malaysia


7.    Integrity and Authenticity

We do not allow activities that can undermine the integrity of Shopee and the authenticity of Shopee Users. We remove content or Accounts that involve spam or fake engagement, impersonation, misleading information that may be harmful, and those that violate intellectual property rights.


7.1.    Spam and Fake Engagement

Shopee does not allow spam and/or fake engagements. Fake engagement includes any content or activity that attempts to artificially increase the number of views, likes, comments, or other metrics on Shopee. We prohibit any attempt to manipulate the platform to improve interaction metrics, including content that solely exists to incentivize Users for engagement.


Do not display, upload, or share:

•    Any content that is excessively posted, repetitive, or untargeted and gets traffic or views off Shopee by promising Users cash, vouchers, or other consideration or benefit

•    Any content that sells engagement metrics such as views, likes, comments, or any other metric on Shopee, including offers to subscribe to another Shopee User’s Account solely in exchange for them subscribing to your channel


7.2.    Misinformation

Misinformation is defined as content that is inaccurate or false. While we encourage our communities to have polite conversations about matters that are important to them, we do not allow the spread of misinformation that harms other people, Shopee, or the general public regardless of the intent.


Do not display, upload, or share:

•    Any content involving misinformation that incites hatred or prejudice

•   Any content involving misinformation associated with emergencies that can cause panic or unrest

•   Any content involving misinformation in the medical perspective that can endanger the physical health of someone

•    Any content misleading members of the community about the elections or civil process

•   Any content that has been technically manipulated (Synthetic Media or Manipulated Media) that distort the truth of events and endanger the subject of the content, others, or the general public


7.3.    Impersonation

We do not allow content or Accounts intended to impersonate a person. We will ask reported impersonators to revise his/her profile, remove the content intended to impersonate a person. Failure to cooperate will result in us suspending or blocking the reported impersonator’s Account, exercised at our discretion. We allow parody, commentary, or fan accounts, as long as Shopee User indicates in his/her bio page and in his/her username that he/she is a fan or does commentary or parody work and is not affiliated with the subject of the content or Account.


Do not:

•   Use someone else’s name, biographical details, image, brand, logo, or other personal information with the aim of misleading other Shopee Users to believe you are that person

•    Claim to be a “fan account” in the bio page, but not stating so clearly in the username, or create an Account posing as another person and reupload that person’s content


7.4.    Intellectual Property Rights Violation

Copyright is a valid legal right that protects original work (e.g., music, videos) and the expression of original ideas (e.g., the specific way a video or music is expressed or created), although it does not protect the ideas or facts underlying it. A trademark is a word, symbol, slogan, design that identifies and distinguishes the source of a product or service. We encourage everyone to be creative and share original content. Content that violates the intellectual property rights of others will be banned on Shopee and will be removed if detected by or notified to us. Use of copyrighted works under certain conditions, such as fair use doctrine or other applicable laws and regulations, or use of trademarks to legitimately refer, comment, criticize, parody, create fan pages, and other similar content, may be allowed.


Do not display, upload, or share:

•    Any content that you did not make or you were not properly authorized to use


8.    Platform Security

Our policies prohibit activities that interfere with the safety and reliability of Shopee.


Do not attempt to:

•    Hack into the website, application, or Shopee related network, or to defeat or overcome any encryption technology or security measures implemented by Shopee with respect to Shopee and/or data transmitted, processed or stored by Shopee

•    Distribute, upload, post, transmit or otherwise make available any material that contains software viruses, worms, Trojan-horses or any other computer code, routines, files or programs designed to directly or indirectly interfere with, manipulate, interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality or integrity of any computer software or hardware or data or telecommunications equipment

•    Modify, adapt, translate, reverse engineer, disassemble, decompile, or create derivative works based on Shopee or related networks, including files, tables, or documentation, or try to recreate any source code, algorithms, methods, or techniques embedded in Shopee or related networks

•    Use automated scripts to collect information about or regarding other Shopee Users, including, without limitation, any personal data or information


Last Modified: 17 April 2024


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