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[Self Collection Point] Why can't I see Self-Collection Point shipping option at checkout?

English | Bahasa Malaysia

The Self Collection Point shipping option may be unavailable due to the reasons below:

  1. The seller’s shop does not support Self Collection Point shipping option.
  2. The weight or maximum dimension of each side has exceeded Self-Collection Point shipping limits shown in the table below:

Weight Limit

12 kg

Maximum dimension of each side

40 cm

You are using the East Malaysia address upon checkout. The Self Collection Point option is only available to West Malaysia buyers
  1. You have 2 or more uncollected parcels from Self Collection Point within the last 30 days.

    • If the Self Collection Point shipping option is unavailable to you due to uncollected parcels, it will become accessible after a period of 14 days.

    • However, if you have uncollected parcels again after being reactivated from the above, the Self Collection Point shipping option will remain unavailable to you for another 14 days.



  • If none of the reasons above applies to your order, please contact our Live agent via the chat feature on the Shopee App.

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