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[ShopeeFood Merchant] What are ShopeeFood's Menu and Content Guidelines?

ShopeeFood Menu & Content Guidelines


To provide the best experience for ShopeeFood customers, merchants are required to adhere to our menu and content guidelines in the following categories:


  1. Outlet Card & Banner
  2. Menu Naming & Description
  3. Menu Item Images
(a) Outlet Card & Banner

Image Name





Outlet Card

The outlet card is the very first image that your potential customers will see as they scroll through the ShopeeFood App.

Your outlet card can be represented by either your store’s logo or a feature of your most popular menu items.

Image Requirements:

1. Max. size: 300 KB

2. Ratio size: (1:1)

3. Pixel dimension: 270 x 270px

4. Image format: JPEG/JPG

· Provide the wrong size of photo

· Blurry / too bright

· Has misleading watermark, text, unnecessary elements i.e. phone number, social media username, vulgarity, etc.

· Has irrelevant elements i.e. human face, group of people eating together

· Image of the shopfront

· Provide the correct size of photo

· High resolution / sharp image

· Contain 1- 3 best-selling / most popular SKU

· Not blurry / too bright

· Image with brand logo / brand-related text

· No display of discounts only

· Can contain a human model such as hands but the main focus should be the dish


Outlet Banner

The outlet banner is the main image that will be showcased on your store’s page and will feature your most popular menu items.

Image Requirements:

1. Max. size: 300 KB

2. Ratio Size: (2:1)

3. Pixel dimension: 1200 x 600px

4. The image must be a landscape

5. Image format: JPEG/JPG

6. Must not be the image of the shop/restaurant


(b) Menu Naming & Description


(i) Menu Naming:







1Menu name must be clear (without abbreviations)Nasi Lemak Aym Grg SambalNasi Lemak Ayam Goreng Sambal
2Use capital letters for the first letter only Fruit Peach milk CUBE Fruit Peach Milk Cube
3Recommended menu name length is no more than 50 characters for full display in the appRice Roll Cheong Fun (with Curry Sauce, Fried Beancurd, Fish Balls) Rice Roll Cheong Fun
4For ingredients with varying weights, specify the weight & estimated price for the weight mentionedHazelnut per pack Hazelnut per 200 gram
5Emojis, emoticons or symbols are not allowedSweet and Sour Chicken Rice >.< 😆 Sweet and Sour Chicken Rice
6Menu name required to be spelled correctlyChocote Smothies Drinks Chocolate Smoothies Drinks
7Spam/excessive keyword/explicit/vulgar language are not allowed Meat for weeks not for weak boom woohoo&^%Trio Meat Platter
8Menu name/descriptions must include either English or Bahasa Malaysia 炸鸡 炸鸡 Fried Chicken / Fried Chicken 炸鸡
9Separate the SKU listings, even if they sell for the same price Menu Name: Nasi Sri Bulan Atok / Kurma (2pcs)Item 1: Nasi Sri Bulan Atok
 Item 2: Kurma (2 Pcs)
10Package menus that use unusual names / abbreviation codes must contain a description of the item included in the package Menu Name: Package SHP
Description: NIL/ -
Menu Name: Package SHP1 
Description: Asam Laksa + Coffee (Hot/ Cold)
11Contains Prohibited Items Live animals, unlicensed alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, etc. 
12Information such as telephone number, restaurant operating hours, availability of goods & social media links, Brand Official Website (such as Facebook, InstagramVanilla Milkshake, Twitter, WhatsApp) should not be included in the Item Name / Dish
Vanilla Milkshake
(Check out our Instagram page@BestBurgers&Shakes for more information)
Vanilla Milkshake


(ii.) Menu Description: 





1Recommended menu description should be no more than 150 characters for optimum display
Item Name: Nasi Lemak Ayam Goreng
Description: Rice + Fried Chicken + Sambal + Anchovies

Item Name: Lunch Saver Pack
Description: Chicken Rice + Coke (can) + Salad
Item Name: Curry Mee
Description: Yellow mee served with creamy curry soup with chicken breast meat and vegetables
Menu description can be structured as follows:

· Description of ingredients of the item/dish

· Description of the contents of a package


(c) Menu Item Images


Image Requirements:

  • Upload one (1) image per one (1) dish/item
  • Max. size: 300 KB per image
  • Ratio size (1:1) with 720 x 720 pixels dimension
  • Image format: JPEG/JPG/PNG
  • The file name must be suitable with the Dish/Item Name in the menu form







1Image must match with the Item Menu Name and/or Item Description  
2Image must be clear and sharp  
3Image must not be in the form of graphics; illustrations or drawings  
4Image must show the actual dish served. AO-generated images are not allowed  
5Image must not be too bright  
6Image must be proportional (fit the full menu item)  
7No watermark (photostock) or other wording  
8Image must not violate third-parties rights  
9Image must not have inappropriate or profanity/ vulgar words  
10Image must not consist of other graphics/human model  


For other related inquiries, please refer to the following related article:

  1. How to manage your Menu Dishes via the Partner App?
  2. How to add or edit Store Logo and Banner via the Partner App?
  3. ShopeeFood's Menu and Content Policy
  4. Prohibited Non-Food Items
  5. Prohibited Food Items
  6. Manage rejected dish’s visibility via the Partner App
  7. Manage dish’s visibility via the Partner App?

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