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[Account Security] Misuse of Shopee logo

English | Bahasa Malaysia


All trademarks, service marks and trade names (e.g., the Shopee name and the Shopee logo) are owned, registered and/or licensed by Shopee.


Shopee reserves the right to monitor your use and to alter or revoke this license or your access to the Content at any time and for any reason. Shopee reservces the right to take down any Content in violation of these terms or Shopee's intellectual property rights. Shopee allowing you this limited use does not constitute a waiver of any of Shopee's rights to the Content


Outside of the specific usage rights granted to you by Shopee in connection with the Platform, you agree not to use, copy, edit, translate, display, distribute, download, transmit, sell, create derivative works of, or in any way exploit any Content, including User Content (unless it is your own User Content that you legally post on the Platform), without Shopee’s prior written consent. Unauthorised use of the Content may constitute a breach of copyright, trademark or other intellectual property laws and may subject to account suspension.


If your account was temporarily suspended due to misuse of Shopee logo. Please replace your shop logo immediately and follow our Shop Logo Policy and proceed to submit for an appeal to reactivate your account by contacting us via the channels below.


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